Welcome to this week’s roundup! This roundup includes Azure news, feature releases, and fantastic articles to inform you on what you need to know about Azure!

Creating Reusable Infrastructure as Code Part 2: Creating Modules with Azure Bicep

Sam Cogan is writing a series of articles on creating reusable infrastructure as code. This week, Sam tackles creating modules with Azure Bicep. Microsoft is investing heavily in making Bicep a first-class citizen in the infrastructure as code world and a better experience than ARM templates. Modules are a great way to break apart your code into smaller, reusable components.

Copy from Azure Blob Storage to Azure File Share

Charbel Nemnom documents his solutions for automating copying data from Azure Blob storage to File Share storage. This solution requirements an Automation Account with a PowerShell runbook that utilizes the AzCopy tool.

Azure Virtual Machine Monitoring with VM Insights

Gwyneth Pena-Siguenza showcases how to use the Azure Monitor feature VM Insights for virtual machine management. VM Insights allows you to query VM performance and usage to gain a better understanding of your Azure resources.

How to Manage Cloud Spend in Azure – With Your Endpoint of Choice

Zachary Cavanell outlines some great tips for gaining visibility and management of your Azure cloud spending. You can view this data in the endpoint of your choice, like the Azure Cost Management portal, Power BI, or even an API-based integrated feed into an external financial system.

General Availability: Azure Functions extensions for Blobs, Queues, Event Hubs, Service Bus, and Event Grid

This week, Azure released a set of Azure Function triggers and bindings covering several services. You can also now use identity-based connections to these services using an identity rather than a connection string secret.

This Week from Jeff Brown Tech

This week, 4Sysops posted my article on Running PowerShell scripts remotely on Azure virtual machine. This article covers several different ways to remotely run a PowerShell script on an Azure virtual machine.

I also posted an article titled Azure Files: Introduction and Deployment Guide. I walk through an introduction to Azure Files, use cases, pricing, and how to deploy your first Azure Files share to a Windows Server.