Welcome to this week’s roundup! This roundup includes Azure news, feature releases, and fantastic articles to inform you on what you need to know about Azure!


Thomas Thornton created a GitHub repository that contains free labs for setting up workflows and DevOps environments in Azure. Thomas has a fantastic blog (https://thomasthornton.cloud) and brings a lot of real-world Azure and DevOps experience. Check out the labs here on Thomas’ GitHub!

Disaster Recovery in Microsoft Azure

John Savill continues with another fantastic video covering all things disaster recovery in Azure. John covers high availability, geo-redundancy, and replication options. Check out John’s video here on his YouTube channel!

Enable Purge Protection for Azure Key Vault with Azure Policy

Charbel Nemnom demonstrates how to enable the purge protection feature for Azure Key Vault using Azure Policy and ARM templates. Purge protection retains deleted vaults and objects until it has passed the retention period. This feature ensures retention of any accidentally (or maliciously) deleted Key Vault resources. Azure disables purge protection by default. Check out Charbel’s article here!

Adding User Profiles to Static Web Apps

Aaron Powell showcases how to create custom user profiles inside of Azure Static Web Apps. Aaron uses the React SWA template and integrates GitHub as the authentication provider. Check out Aaron’s solution here!

Azure Sentinel SOAR worker: Azure Arc + Azure Automation

John Joyner outlines how two new Microsoft innovations (Azure Arc and Azure Automation Hybrid runbook worker v2) combine to extend and enhance Azure Sentinel. John covers how to deploy the hybrid runbook worker v2 to an Azure Arc server and use it for real-time SOAR (Security Orchestration, Automation, & Response) actions with an on-premises hardware firewall. Check out John’s full article here!

Bonus: Verify ARM PowerShell Deployments with WhatIf

This week I published a how-to article on using and interpreting the new WhatIf functionality with ARM template deployments in PowerShell. This functionality is similar to the terraform plan command and allows you to view what changes will be made by the configuration. Check out the article here!