The PowerShell Confirm parameter is an essential safeguard that prompts users before performing potentially destructive actions. This article will explore how to implement the -Confirm parameter in custom PowerShell functions to make them more robust and user-friendly.

What is the PowerShell Confirm parameter?

The -Confirm parameter safeguards against actions that change a system, environment, or data. It works by prompting the user for confirmation before PowerShell executes the command. Including this parameter and functionality in your functions provides users with an additional layer of safety when running your script and functions.

screenshot of a powershell confirm message
Prompting for confirmation before making changes

Adding the PowerShell Confirm parameter

The -Confirm parameter is made possible in advanced functions through the CmdletBinding attribute. The CmdletBinding attribute provides compiled cmdlet-like features to your functions.

Read More: PowerShell Advanced Functions: Getting Started Guide | Jeff Brown Tech
Read More: Using PowerShell WhatIf So You Don’t Break Stuff | Jeff Brown Tech

Here is an example function named Remove-EmployeeData with the CmdletBinding attribute, including the SupportsShouldProcess property.

The CmdletBinding attribute also enables access to the $PSCmdlet automatic variable. You call the $PSCmdlet.SupportShouldProcess() method for PowerShell to check for the -Confirm parameter before processing the function logic.

function Remove-EmployeeData {
    param (
    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name)) {
        "Removing data for $Name..."
        # Logic to remove the data

If you include the -Confirm parameter, PowerShell prompts for confirmation before making the change.

Screenshot showing the -Confirm parameter and PowerShell confirmation
Adding the -Confirm parameter displays the confirmation prompt

Setting ConfirmImpact

The above example relies on the user adding the -Confirm parameter to invoke the confirmation prompt. However, you can display confirmation prompts without specifying the parameter by setting the ConfirmImpact property to “High” in CmdletBinding. Adding this property prompts the user as if using the -Confirm parameter.

Review the updated CmdletBinding attribute below.

function Remove-EmployeeData {
        ConfirmImpact = "High"
    # ...

Calling the function now without -Confirm still prompts for confirmation because of the High impact.

Screenshot showing confirmation prompt without using -Confirm
Prompt is now automatic due to ConfirmImpact = High

However, you can bypass the prompt by adding -Confirm:$false to the function execution, like this:

Screenshot showing bypassing the confirmation prompt using -Confirm:$false
Bypass confirmation prompt using -Confirm:$false

$ConfirmPreference automatic variable

$ConfirmPreference is a PowerShell automatic variable that determines when ConfirmImpact displays confirmation prompts. The possible values for $ConfirmPreference and ConfirmImpact include:

  • High
  • Medium
  • Low
  • None

By default, $ConfirmPreference is set to High while ConfirmImpact is set to Medium.

If ConfirmImpact is set equal to or higher than $ConfirmPreference, then the function prompts the user for confirmation. Otherwise, PowerShell does not display a confirmation prompt. Here is a table with a few examples outlining this logic.

HighHighDisplay prompt
MediumHighNo prompt
MediumMediumDisplay prompt
HighMediumDisplay prompt


The -Confirm parameter is an invaluable tool when writing PowerShell functions, especially those that make changes to the system or environment. Incorporating this parameter into your scripts and functions makes them more versatile, robust, and user-friendly – key traits of any good PowerShell function.